Tag Archives for comm_101

Twitter! Easier navigating—new strategy!

Twitter recently revealed the most dramatic overhaul to its website since the social network’s debut four year ago. The newly enhanced Twitter.com change twitters mind of twitting via the original site. When I see the news I was considering whether it … Continue reading

10. October 2010 by mengluqian
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Mouth of the world—social media

Facebook ,twitter ,myspace, msn, bolg have all became a fad. It not just only a trend of fashion,it also gradually become a mean of doing business. It is reported that “78% customers trust peer recommendation only 14% of them trust … Continue reading

07. October 2010 by mengluqian
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Co Co Chanel’s Success

“A fashion that does not reach the street is not a fashion,” Chanel once said. Once I saw a list about the things a woman must do in her life, owning a Chanel 2.5 bag is on the list. That … Continue reading

27. September 2010 by mengluqian
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“My analysis” beats “i think”

Every problem-solving process needs to get through two phases, the first one is “I think”, and the second one is “My analysis shows”. “I think” is a phase which our subjective understanding leads the roles.  However, empiricism does not always … Continue reading

23. September 2010 by mengluqian
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Business Ethis case:Pharmaceutical company admits to lying about the health risks of its drugs

Before i talk about the Pharmaceutical company’ case about Business Ethic, i want to clearify the difinition of buisness ethic. Business ethics (also known as Corporate ethics) is a form of applied ethic or professional ethic that examines ethical principles … Continue reading

15. September 2010 by mengluqian
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