Task 12: Speculative Futures


Character Bio:

My character is a schoolteacher who lives in the future. She is all about having optimal focus and maximum productivity by getting the best out of her day. She lives in a clutter free environment and utilizes the new technology to make her daily life run in a smooth and hassle free way.


A glimpse into a futuristic teacher’s world

 Angelina softly opened her eyes as the alarm went off. She has been in a state of Lucid dreaming and she was completely taken aback by the whole experience. Her dream felt so vivid although in her subconscious she knew that it was just a dream, nevertheless she woke up feeling refreshed after her dream. She has skillfully started to master manipulating her dreams and each night she was able to create a pleasant and memorable experience for herself.


“ Good morning, Angelina !” A robot voice muttered. “ Today Sunday 3rd September

2030 is going to be a glorious day – the time is 6.15 am and here is the weather

forecast for Vancouver it will be partially cloudy with 30 percent chance of showers

and a high 18 degrees Celsius with a low 10 degrees Celsius.”


The robot went on … “ Here is a quick update on your schedule for the day. At 8.30 am you have a virtual meeting with your new class. At 10.00 am you have your snack & water break. At 10.30 am you have a language & creative arts class, at 11.40 lunch break, at 12.30 you have prep until the end of the day and a reminder that the virtual online parents’ evenings are going to take place on the 17th September and you should be working on your Going Strong podcast for the rest of the afternoon. Hope you have a great and productive day.” “Next is your ten minutes meditation session and your mantra for the day is nothing will stop me from achieving my goals ! ” “ Just let me know whenever you need me !” declared the robot.

Angelina opened the meticulously organized drawer from the nightstand adjacent to her bed and drew out a small device that she gently breathed into. This compact gimmick was phenomenal after taking a puff from it the device is able to measure how much energy you are burning per day, it can tell your metabolism, hormonal levels and blood pressure and accordingly it will go as far as creating a personalized meal plan that is tailored to your own body needs. How cool is that !

After her meditation session. Angelina stepped into a huge bathtub, but it was not just any bathtub ! It is a water walker that has a double function since it can be used as a shower and a treadmill as well. This by far was Angelina best investment it does not only help stimulate the circulation and is the perfect way to exercise after a long night sleep, but it strengthens your muscles and can burn any excess fat. At the end of her workout Angelina turned off the treadmill and started taking her normal shower. When she came out she was completely air dried from head to toe. Her outfit for the day was laid out for her through a robotic hand and she felt as good as gold and was ready to face her day.

When she came downstairs she could sniff the comforting aroma of newly brewed coffee mixed with the delectable smell of multigrain toast that toasty smell of bread and coffee together always awakened her senses and warmed her heart. Her favourite juice orange and carrot was freshly squeezed and prepared for her. She grabbed her coffee, juice and spread some organic jam on her toast and calmly walked towards her office. Her office had minimal furniture despite being spacious. There was a laptop sitting on a small corner desk, a little portrait of her wearing her graduation gown. On top of her desk there was a wireless light bulb floating in the air above a small wooden base. The moment she sat down at her desk the laptop screen started to flash with her schedule and lesson plans for the day. She studied them thoroughly and started typing a few notes about her day.


Here is a link to the Voki future news:







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