Linking Assignment

Task 12 – Norah Smith

I started this task by randomly clicking on any website and landed at Norah’s web space. I was curious to see task 12 and particularly that I believe that this task needed a lot of creativity and speculation on what the future holds. Her vision of the future was based on what a progressive country like Sweden has been adapting. It was so informative. In my case I wanted to look at the future through my imagination lens. I had my own vision of the future based on the technology that we have now. Norah website looked professionally done and I liked the design the “ look and feel” and the images and videos that were added to her blog.



Task 9 – Shawn Lau

I like the analogy that Shawn made in this task to the Tokyo subway system. He drew a thorough analysis and he had quite a detective like mind when he started to make his own analysis about the entire task. He started off by the songs that had the most connections between the voters  such as Johnny B. Goode, Jaat Kahan Ho, Beethoven’s 5th, and Morning Star Devil Bird. Then he automatically looked at the songs that had the fewest votes. Going as far as he could in his pursuit he attempted to check out the blogs of the people who chose these songs and the reasons behind these choices. I think that anyone who chose the less known songs is bold, unconventional and has a great sense of adventure, but unfortunately I do not possess any of these qualities. Shawn follows the same process with the popular songs and checks a few websites to see the reasons behind picking these particular songs and he mentions popularity and “ representation in western culture .” I find this quite fascinating since I lived most of my life in the western world, but ethnically I am not a western, yet I still did not realise how much I have been submerged in the western culture that I did not think twice about choosing these types of western songs. It could mean that I did not want to step out of my comfort zone and my choices were based on the songs that I related to and I thought if they touched my soul that they are bound to touch everyone else’s soul.




Task 7- Carla Pretorious

I was impressed with the way Carla took the thought process for task 7. It  was phenomenal. I felt that her thoughts and ideas are quite organised. I don’t necessarily share this with her. I feel sometimes that I have a lot of ideas, but they don’t necessarily follow a linear order. It can be draining to me and overthinking an idea can be futile, since my thoughts can be all over the place. I sometimes even get ideas in my dreams, especially when I am completely preoccupied with a thought. I admire this skill about people like her and I wonder do you train your mind to become like that ? or is it something you are naturally born with ? I thought it was really brilliant when she referred back to task 1 and put a picture of the numbered items in her bag. I believe she has redesigned the task in a creative and innovative way. I am impressed with the quiz idea that challenges your ability to identify the items in her bag by listening to the sounds they make. It reminds me of a game that used to be played on the radio where you have to listen carefully and identify the object that makes the sound.


Task 4 -Janice Roper

Janice and I share the idea that writing on the computer is simpler and that handwriting requires more dexterity and diligence, which is not the case when you are able to speed type on the computer. I agree with her that handwriting requires more brain focus and agility.


Task 6 – Brian Ham

I think the fact that Brian chose a well-known, popular old movie has probably made it easier for everyone to guess the title. I totally agree with Brian when he mentions that explaining the details of the plot using emojis requires a lot of skill and challenges your brain. I was wondering how emojis have replaced written text in some situations. They are not primarily useful when you have to go into nitty gritty details, but they can be a quick way to exhibit emotions.


Task 1- Daniella Balabuk (missing link)

Task 1 is designed to reveal a lot about our lives and personalities. What blew me  away is Daniella’s honesty about the contents in her bag. I do not share Daniella’s honesty about the contents in her bag. She is very blunt and did not shy away from the fact that she is not particularly tidy. I admire this quality about her although I can be messy sometimes, however I tend to get messy when I get overwhelmed. I find it alarming when she mentions that she has become a “non-reader” and she says that this is due to the busy life that she leads now and that she has limited time for herself. I felt that the fact that Daniella regards herself as “Somewhat disheveled and slightly disorganized, but fun and relatively prepared for whatever may come my way.” This quote from her own website draws a genuinely nice picture of her personality.


Overall Reflection:

There is so little time and so much to learn. This assignment gave me the opportunity to look at the similarities, but the striking differences between our approaches in tackling the tasks in our blogs. I felt inspired when I checked my class mates websites. As much as I learned from this course I was reminded that learning is such a powerful tool, but when I reflect deeply I feel humbled and fortunate to have access to this boundless and diverse experiences. The gift of sharing our knowledge is empowering, as it can help raise our awareness, knowledge and understanding of our own world. This course was the tip of the iceberg. I know I could be a bit biased, since reading and writing are one of my main passions in life.










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