Midterm Evaluation

For my midterm evaluation I have selected the following three posts.

[1.3] Schitt’s Creek and a World of Words

I think this post demonstrates a lot of thinking and processing of new ideas. Although using a sitcom like Schitt’s Creek could seem somewhat simple or banal, I feel that I anchored my thinking in something I knew in order to expand into this new and complex territory of Chamberlin’s world of words.

[1.5] Good and The Not Good Story – A Retelling

I chose this post because I really enjoyed creating this story and I felt proud of my work. I found that this process of retelling this story was a strong learning experience for me. It felt more active and experiential than other read-and-write assignments. I also thought the dialogue surrounding this assignment was very interesting. Comments I made on other people’s post actually got me thinking more deeply about my post. I edited my post to include these new thoughts.

[2.4] The Challenges of Making Meaning of The First Stories

This post and the associated readings really got me thinking. I made many connections to other stories and sources, which I think is evident by the extensive works cited list. This assignment and post felt like they got to the heart of why this course is important and started me on the path of HOW we work to decolonize, not just WHY.



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