Linking Assignment 1 

The first peer I have chosen to connect with is Katherine Kelly on her voice to text task. You can view Katherine’s blog here. Katherine decided to tell a story about travelling to Japan. A place that I would love to travel to one day with my husband. She went into detail about climbing Mount Fiji. A couple of summers ago, I, too, fell in love with hiking and was able to connect with her story. 

In reading Katherine’s reflection on her voice to text assignment, I could relate to her frustrations. I also found several punctuation errors when completing this assignment. When evaluating the rights and wrongs, I agree with Katherine that her verbal premise was shared appropriately. Although there were conventional errors, I was able to insert those as I read her story. Katherine brought the lack of punctuation up a few times and further mentioned that in spoken form, she would have added more emotion to the story. For that reason, while I read it, I tried to picture a person telling me the story, instead of it being a piece of written text. I couldn’t help but giggle when she talked about the Marine’s questioning her choice of gear and being in shock when they saw her husband running up the mountain.

In Katherine’s final paragraph, she mentioned that oral stories have the ability to add connection and emotion. Furthermore, she suggests that when sharing stories of the past, pieces of the story may be missing or not quite the same as the last time it was told. This reminded me of Gnanadesikan (2011) discussing how when we use oral language like in the game of telephone, the message has the potential to change over time (p. 3). I enjoy this aspect of oral storytelling because everyone perceives and experiences situations differently. I wonder how Katherine’s husband’s story of climbing Mount Fiji would differ from hers?

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading Katherine’s post and relating her experience to mine.


Gnanadesikan, A. E. (2011).“The First IT Revolution.” In The writing revolution: Cuneiform to the internet. (Vol. 25). John Wiley & Sons (pp. 1-10).

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