Author Archives: trista svennes
Linking Assignment 3
The person I have chosen to comment on is Erin Duchesne, and her Twine task is seen here. Erin’s post resonated with me because I, too, found myself spending more time on my Twine task than I thought. I was … Continue reading
Task 5: Twine Task
I hope you enjoy my first attempt at Twine in my story, The Classroom Mystery ( To open, copy link address into a new browser tab to force a download of the zip file). After reviewing the interactive Twine game, The … Continue reading
Linking Assignment 2
I chose to reply to Emily MacDougall’s post on Potato Printing seen here. Unlike Emily, in this task, I chose to complete this task using pencil and paper, so I’m glad to see someone do the opposite and compare our … Continue reading
Task 4: Manual Scripts and Potato Printing
Below you will see the images of my manual production of text. First, you will see draft one, then you will see my edits completed with red. Here is my commentary about my manual production: Do you normally write … Continue reading
Linking Assignment 1
The first peer I have chosen to connect with is Katherine Kelly on her voice to text task. You can view Katherine’s blog here. Katherine decided to tell a story about travelling to Japan. A place that I would love … Continue reading
Task 3: Voice to Text Task
Unscripted voice to text story: Hello the speech to text Program that I have chose to use is Google read and write. This is a program that I chose because I use it for school with my students. Something that … Continue reading
Task 2: Does Language Shape The Way We Think?
I really enjoyed listening and responding to Lera Boroditsky’s discussion about how language shapes the way we think. Below are my CLAS responses captured in a screenshot. It was a pleasure being able to read and annotate alongside peers in … Continue reading
Task 1 – What’s in your bag?
Hello! My name is Trista, and I’m looking forward to the course together. I added some more information about me to my blog’s home page. I look forward to getting to know you throughout ETEC540. The bag I have chosen … Continue reading