Task 6: Emoji Story

Emoji Story


I began my emoji story with the title of the tv show I was watching, specifically trying to emoji the exact title of the episode I was on. However the word of the title is a rare ancient Greek word that I tried to break down into its syllables instead. I began with the title because of my upbringing with indo-european languages, beginning with the heading to set the theme and then the words. I relied on a combination of ideas and words, a form of charades with emojis in describing encompassing themes and key moments during the episode that stood out. The difficulty of trying to create a reiteration of the story lay with the multiple meanings of emojis, a boxing glove could mean anything from sport, to safety gloves, to fighting, to competition. Kress (2005) describes how unlike the generality of words and unspecificity, images do have a specific meaning yet their potential is infinite and subjective to the viewer. By creating a story with many emojis I try to “enforce an univocal interpretation on prose that is otherwise open to many interpretations” (Bolter, 2001, p.65). Through the context of the surrounding emojis, hopefully the general theme and episode can be narrowed down although the show is from some years ago. 


Bolter, J. D. (2001). Writing space : Computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 46-69.

Kress, G. (2005), Gains and losses: New forms of texts, knowledge, and learning. Computers and Composition, 2(1), 5-22.

Navid Panah

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