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MET Learning
ETEC 511
Music Project Retrospective
IP 6 Sustainability
IP # 5 Global Health
IP # 8 Attention
Case Study ETEC 511 Navid Panah and Sebastian Seo
IP #2 Artificial Intelligence
IP #1
ETEC 544
ETEC 544 IP #7 Twitch Streamers
ETEC 544 IP #4 What is a Game
ETEC 544 Individual Reflection NP
Age of Mythology Retold: Field Notes
Fullerton Exercises
IP #8: Game Design 101
IP #2: Math and Science Review
IP #1 Digital Games and Learning Perspectives
ETEC 540
Weekly Tasks
Task 1: What’s in your bag?
Task 2: Does Language Shape the Way we Think?
Task 3: Voice to Text
Task 6: Emoji Story
Task 7: Mode-Bending
Task 8: Golden Record Curation
Task 9: Network Assignment
Task 10: Attention Economy
Linking Assignment
Final Project
ETEC 533
Assignment 1: Framing Issue
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ETEC 511
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