Communication by Marie Finch

Bolter, Jay David. (2001). Writing space: computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print. New York, NY: Routledge. 

Kress (2005), Gains and losses: new forms of texts, knowledge, and learning. Computers and Composition, Vol. 2(1), 5-22. 

Lamb, R & McCormick, J. (Hosts). (2010-present) Stuff To Blow Your Mind “From the Vault: Invention of the Book”, Part 1 and 2. 

McRaney, David and McCulloch, Gretchen. (Host & Guest). (2012–present). Because Internet [Audio podcast]. You are Not so Smart. 

Merriam Webster. (n.d.). How many words are there in English?  Retrieved August 14, 2022, from