Archive for January, 2010

Immediacy and financial leniency in failure: the key to success?

Monday, January 25th, 2010

resonating within my mind. Firstly Zara’s culture is described as one of “immediacy”. How often are important corporate decisions debated to exhaustion prior to any decisions being made? On a more individual level how often do I avoid making difficult decisions—choosing instead to deal with simple aspects of a task first? By centralizing design activities […]

Why are economics students more selfish than the rest?

Saturday, January 16th, 2010

We were somewhat vaguely asked to write an entry having to do with business ethics—I have decided to shed light on the ethics of and element of business school: more precisely the indoctrination effect leading to a reduction in charitable donations by non-economics majors having attended intro and mid-level economics courses. Yoram Bauman, an economics […]

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