Archive for April, 2010

Teaching finance via the classics: facilitating the task or ignoring the dangers?

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Having recently studied, in a rudimentary fashion, the causes of the recent economic crisis in an exo-Sauder course, I was a little taken aback by some of the dialogue during the ‘introduction to finance’ lecture. Firstly apparently not everyone knows what short selling is, hedging, securitization, or collateralized debt obligations. I guess this should not […]

Corporate Sustainability: opportunity or oxymoron?

Friday, April 16th, 2010

“To define perpetual growth on a finite planet as the sole measure of economic well-being is to engage in a form of slow collective suicide.” Wade Davis On top of business courses I have been studying geographic interpretations of globalization and Anthropology. Both seem a little more sceptical of CSR than the average business class. […]

Non profits and not feeling stuck

Friday, April 16th, 2010

I sincerely believe that my favourite lecture of the year was regarding non-profits and social enterprises. The subject manner greatly interested me; however, it was the guest speaker that really got me intrigued. I may only paraphrase at this point but I distinctly remember him saying something along the lines of ‘I didn’t really mind […]

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Friday, April 16th, 2010

I just took the online test from and appear to have a carbon footprint of 7.229 tons. To be blunt, this numerical value in itself means very little to me. I am surprised to see that they don’t compare to an average in my geographic region. In another similar test I have previously taken […]

Performance evaluations: banking on volume, not success.

Friday, April 16th, 2010

Right after 486g I have recently been attending a night course on practical finance as applied in investment banking. Although many of the financial concepts are well over my head, it is interesting to be thrown into the deep end of financial modelling and appraisal. One of the consistent topics brought up is compensation in […]

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