Carbon Footprint Calculator

by marcaf ~ April 16th, 2010. Filed under: 486G.

I just took the online test from and appear to have a carbon footprint of 7.229 tons. To be blunt, this numerical value in itself means very little to me. I am surprised to see that they don’t compare to an average in my geographic region. In another similar test I have previously taken there was a clause that stated how many planets would be needed if everyone were to consume like you. This was, in my opinion, a much more direct manner of getting the point of reduction across. For the short and long-term commute options there is not really much I can affect. I already bus and walk at least 90% of the time. Moreover in the summer I tend to bike to work. As for long-distance trips, the federal government usually pays for the ones I take. Moreover this is something I am unwilling to go without.

The one portion of my footprint I could really ameliorate is the dietary aspect. A more vegetarian diet would certainly be one way to go. As for organic produce much is available at my work; however, the cost is often substantially higher.

Of Montreal: The Past is a Grotesque Animal

Musical inspiration for this post. An eleven minute long introduction to existential non-significance, love, and tragedy: addictive.

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