Archive for March, 2011

Design marketing: total control, or third-party diffusion?

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

Today I am looking to add a brief post: a meditation of sorts really. For the past few days I have been plagued by a single question. To what extent should the basis of a sound marketing strategy be design? When is it most appropriate to market a product post production, when should marketing research […]

History will be made: Hockey, Hope, and History

Monday, March 21st, 2011

Here, I am taking a moment to expand upon a campaign and some additional commentary made in a post by Wyatt Hamilton. Wyatt posted a number of the NHL’s recent ‘History will be made’ advertisements. He goes on to describe both the success and ubiquitous presence of the campaign. Indeed, as Hamilton mentions, this campaign […]

Response: Radiohead and marketing (or lack thereof)

Monday, March 21st, 2011

Today, I caught myself reading through Pierre Schiffler’s blog. I was quite frankly shocked. Radiohead released a new album? Wait what? I realize that I have been somewhat distracted from my usual musical research of late, but I have difficulty seeing how I could have missed this. Yes Sufjan Steven’s Age of Adz went under […]

Hotel Marketing strategies: lessons from the blogosphere, and Istanbul.

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

In continuing with the Turkish theme, I recently read through a blog by the title of ‘hotel marketing strategies’, which posted two recent interviews with a Turkish hotelier. The focus of the discussion was the importance of online user-generated content, reputed design, and strategies to maintain a positive online presence in the hotel marketing industry. […]

Turkish Tourism: the hypermodern intermeshed with the historic and the quixotic

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

I have just recently received news that I will be travelling to Istanbul near the end of March. Thus, the past few days have largely been spend rummaging through online reviews, tourism information, and blogs, as I wait for my Lonely Planet Turkey to become available at the local library. In the process, I have […]

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