Possible future of BlackBerry Ltd.

Google, Cisco Could Make Offers For BlackBerry – WebProNews

The key to BlackBerry’s survival may lie in security, not smartphones – Financial Post

The Bankruptcy Question for BlackBerry – NY Times

Few years ago, BlackBerry was one of the most powerful smartphone producers in the world. Now, BlackBerry’s hard financial situation is one of the most discussed topics in business world. Moreover, I bought a BB10 smartphone 2 weeks before the company announced its willingness to be sold and I’m really interested in the future of the company.

BlackBerry’s situation is pitiful now. The company launched a new OS, BB10, which could not compete with such monsters as Apple iOS, Google Android and Microsoft Windows Phone. It was its last chance to escape from a complete financial collapse. Now, BlackBerry has turned into a private company and is now for sale. Its possible buyers are Google, Cisco, Intel and SAP.

Another possibility is that the company leaves smartphones market and start working in information security industry, where its situation is way better. Its servers and patents are worth billions of dollars.

According to specialists, bankruptcy will not happen now or anytime soon. However, it is probable, that the company would be sold soon.

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