E-cigarettes: worse than tobacco cigarettes?

https://blogs.ubc.ca/christiannoel/2013/10/07/e-cigarettes-treated-as-medical/ – Christian Noel’s post

http://life.nationalpost.com/2013/10/22/dr-aw-e-cigarettes-are-a-public-health-disaster-waiting-to-happen-for-young-people-and-existing-nicotine-addicts-alike/ – Dr. Aw: E-cigarettes are a public health disaster waiting to happen for young people and existing nicotine addicts alike by National Post

http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/11/17/us-tobacco-britain-ecigarettes-idUSBRE9AG08O20131117 – First air airport e-cigarette zone to open at London’s Heathrow by Reuters

Being a smoker, I was highly interested by Christian Noel’s post about rising popularity of electronic cigarettes. Moreover, one of the biggest European airports has opened a smoking lounge for electronic cigarettes smokers, as they became trendy.

Personally, I am convinced that e-cigs are more dangerous for public health than tobacco cigarettes. Firstly, e-cigs manufacturers are looking to create a positive image of an e-cigarette smoker in their ads. As a result it may cause growth of percentage of smokers in population. Secondly, e-cigs are not age-restricted, so underage high school or even middle school students are able to buy them in convenience stores. Number of e-cigs smokers in high schools has already doubled between 2011 and 2012.

And finally, are e-cigs as safe as it is advertised? Not at all. A study has proven that e-cigs contain carcinogens and toxic chemical, diethylene glycol, in their mist.

So why should we distinguish one slow killer from another?

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