Steve Ballmer: retirement of the legend of Microsoft – Ballmer on Ballmer: His Exit From Microsoft by Wall Street Journal – compilation of best videos with Steve Ballmer

On August 13th it was announced that one of the most remarkable CEOs of all time, Steve Ballmer will leave the post of the CEO of Microsoft. Personally that was a disappointing news because Steve was one of my favorite businessmen for his energy and candor. So I decided to dedicate this post to this wonderful man and his long career in Microsoft.

Steve joined Microsoft in 1980 after being invited by Bill Gates. In 2000, he was names as the CEO of the company. However he  was the second man in the company after Gates until 2006 when Bill left the post of the chief software architect.

His era in Microsoft was full of brilliant victories as well as disappointing failures. He initiated a launch Windows 7, extremely successful Microsoft OS but he didn’t expect success of Apple and development of markets of smartphones and tablets, which caused a delay in entrance of Microsoft to these markets.

Despite his big mistakes which caused huge financial losses to Microsoft, he is remarkable for other activities as CEO. His corporate meetings and team building activities created an exceptional atmosphere in Microsoft which made the company one of the best workplaces in the world. His energetic speeches helped a lot in making employees committed to their workplace.

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