Lesson Plan Critique

The purpose of this assignment is to consolidate your thinking about how the different theoretical perspectives presented in the course are applied in educational settings. This assignment will involve critiquing and improving on an existing lesson plan. This assignment will be completed individually. There are two components to this assignment. First, you will need to identify and get approval for an appropriate lesson plan. More specifically, by the end of Week 6, you will need to submit a lesson plan to the instructor for approval. This submission should include the lesson plan you will analyze, as well as a 150-200 word (maximum) overview of the theoretical perspectives that are relevant to the lesson plan. This part of the assignment is worth 5 marks, and you will receive feedback from the instructor about the appropriateness of your lesson plan and theorizing. You can choose something from your own teaching or learning experiences, or you can find something available on the internet. You will likely get the most out of this assignment if you choose something that is relevant to your own teaching (e.g., similar age or similar topic). Finally, do not try and find the ‘perfect’ document as it will be difficult to change or improve it. You also don’t want one that is too short such that you have no material to work with.

Once you get approval for your lesson plan, you can begin to critique and update it. You should use at least three theories presented in this course as the basis for your critique and changes. The analysis should describe how the lesson plan reflects each of the theories, as well as the ways in which it doesn’t. You should also describe how your proposed changes will improve the document, from a theoretical perspective. Additional references may be used to support your analyses. Please keep in mind that this assignment is not about critiquing how the lesson plan was written (e.g., whether the learning objectives match the learning outcomes); rather it is an analysis how the goals/objectives/assignment fit into different theoretical perspectives. Also, we are using the term ‘Lesson Plan’ very broadly. There is no pre-determined form that it must take, although it must describe the lesson thoroughly. If you are not familiar with making lesson plans, there are plenty of good examples on the internet.

Orginal Lesson Plan                                       




Lesson Plan Critique