Vignette #1

Vignette # 1: Art, culture, identity and representation: A conversation with three art educators Stacy Friedman, Sylvia Kind and Roger Dane

In the vignette (Jeffries & Maeder, 2009) you are going to observe, three art educators met to discuss the ways in which teaching art provides a tool to explore and analyze questions of identity, culture and representation. Stacy Friedman is an art educator who uses puppets to explore identity, race and voice. Sylvia Kind is an art educator who shares various media that she uses (knitting, sewing and collage work) to bring to the front questions of identity, difference and “other”. Roger Dane is a student teacher in Stacey’s class and he discusses his final project in the course he took with Stacey. The three artists discuss their experiences of making art and teaching art as they negotiate tensions of representation and voice in their own work as artists and as educators.

Working on it individually, you will use the questions in Week 4 Tasks as possible guides to respond to Vignette #1, (you could thus choose one question or multiple questions as guides to your written analysis). Prepare a 500 word analysis (this word count is a guide line, it is very useful to work towards being as concise as  possible in your writing).