Part 1

Our CIP group will need to have searched on-line and in libraries for information (10 -15 units of information relevant to your topic, approximately 3 / group member) that will enhance your discussion/understanding of your topic/area of interest. The articles that your group will find, read/view and annotate will help clarify key terms, theories, or the context of your area of inquiry. Start with a short (100 word) annotation or bibliography of the articles/material your group has found. After annotating the articles/content that you chose you will prepare a group literature/content review.

  • What are the key points in the article/piece of content? Or one point that you want to focus on if it is a very long piece of material.
  • How do these points relate to other course readings? To your topic?
  • What are your points of agreement and disagreement with the claims made in the material?
  • What view(s) of technology, teaching and learning, are being elaborated here? What evidence is used to support these views?
  • Do the author’s/creators views resonate with, contradict, or relate to any of your experiences in the classroom? In what ways?
  • What is the significance of the material you read/viewed as you consider technology, arts and humanities and your topic?
  • Remember an Annotation is short WE AIM FOR THE 100 WORD RULE! concise, and serves as a very direct explanation of what the unit does/can be used for/says etc.

After the annotation your group will be ready to write the literature/content review. Remember, a literature/content review is NOT just a summary of the material/articles that you have read/viewed/played. It is a discussion of key ideas, issues and themes in the field you are exploring in your CIP. The literature/content review provides the reader with the theoretical context and it situates your CIP in a larger body of inquiry. It is a thorough and sophisticated review of the literature/content – where you identify terms, locate literature/content, check relevance, organize what you have selected to include and then write/illustrate the review. In the literature/content review you will critically examine your topic as you consider the course readings and discussions as well as the material that you have annotated earlier. You could also define the need and significance for your groups CIP within the existing body of educational inquiry.