Final Design Project

The Final Design Project should execute the design space and interactivites you identified in your Design Proposal. This is an opportunity for you to explore the theoretical concepts we have articulated in the course over the semester in educational design practice.

Final Design Project: This space can be hosted in a variety of formats, (i.e., Moodle Shell, Weblog, Wiki Space, etc.) and your group is responsible for choosing the space that makes the most sense given your content and the dynamic objects and interactivities (i.e., Podcasts, videos, games, and/or any other digital objects) you will produce. A link should be provided to this space.

Curriculum Guide: You will create a curriculum guide so that another educator could make use of your Final Design Project. It is not necessary to re-author the entire Curriculum Guide: you should be able to re-purpose significant pieces from your Design Project Proposal. The curriculum guide should:

  • Clearly articulate the purpose and goals of your design space.
  • Provide a User Guide for Interactivities, digital objects, or other resources such that another educator could make use of your Final Design Project
  • Include an Assessment Model that will indicate whether the proposed Objectives have been achieved