Discourse Leadership Group Project

Discourse Leadership @ Case Study —The Ethics & Jurisprudence of Educational Technology: Ethical and Legal Foundations

Choose one week and topic on the schedule and in coordination with the module develop a case study for K-12 students. Format: Group Project— groups of 4. For the case that you develop:

  1. Review and adhere to the guidelines for case studies in Module 2.
  2. Develop a case that reflects the theme for the week/module chosen.
  3. The case study must be designed for specific grade levels (e. g., 4-5, 6-8, 10-12). 4. Design necessary downloads @ handouts, discussion questions and presentation media for clarifying the case study e.g.: • Image, Text, Sound files • Timeline • Wiki / Interactive Web / Prezi • Voice & Podcast, etc.
  4. To bring closure to the topic/module for the week, present your case study in either synchronous or asynchronous time.