Vignette #2

Vignette # 2: How does visiting a virtual museum enhance teaching humanities?

Vignettes are problem-based stories that end with a dilemma or a problem that must be resolved. The educational value of the vignette is in the analysis of the problem or problems, and the application of appropriate educational theories to the problems’ analysis, solution, and evaluation. Vignettes are designed as a learning strategy that encourages the discussion and application of theory in order to solve problems. (Jeffries, 2009). They provide educators with the opportunity to observe the particular through a theoretical perspective and make judgments using theoretical principles.

The vignettes highlights various possibilities and challenges in the implementation and integration of technology into an educational setting. They will provide you with opportunities to discuss the specific details of the context and problems raised within each vignette in light of class readings and discussions around technology in the arts and humanities.

Jeffries, C. & Maeder, D. (2009). The effect of scaffolded vignette instruction on student mastery of subject matter. The Teacher educator 44(1), 21-39.

Visit “Open Hearts – Closed Doors: The War Orphans Project“, that was created at The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. In order to analyze this vignette, start with a visit to the website. Explore various components of the “museum tour” as well as the Teachers’ Guide. You could follow a single individual (one of the eight orphans of war), analyze an artifact as historical evidence, or learn about any one of the themes in the virtual museum. Read through the suggestions for teachers. As a part of your analysis consider the following questions: How is technology used to enhance learning through this website? What is the notion of interdisciplinarity in the presentation of the materials in the website? What would you consider as advantages and drawbacks in using the website? How might you use this website (or similar ones) in your context? How do you see the role of the teacher when using the website with students? What do you consider as appropriate assessment of student learning as they use the website?

Additional viewing

Please visit this website, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  for a large selection of Canadian virtual museums

Additional Reading

Reading, A. (2003). Digital interactivity in public memory institutions: The uses of new technologies in holocaust museums. Media, Culture and Society, 25(10) 67-85.