Video Cases

Case 5: The clip is a lesson on space exploration with a grade 6/7 split class. Includes Teacher A, B, C, and students reflections

Case 8: This video is of elementary teacher candidates learning how to use “slowmation” to model processes in science.

I chose to discuss the content in video 5 and 8, as they were the closest to a lower elementary classroom. Most of these applications used these (Kid Pix, Stop Motion, GarageBand, Apple photo books) I have used with 7-9 year olds.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching Teacher “A’s” interpretation of her experience with technology in the classroom, for instance,  she was “surprised to see the results but more surprised how good the results [were]”. This constructivism approach and technology can work together to aid this learning process. As Teacher “A” stated, learning with technology “promotes understanding “ and the enjoyment of learning transcends into other subjects. Furthermore, she found ELL students had difficulties with the language component of the assignments, but with the assistance of technology these students are “able to express their understanding other than written language.” I appreciated Teacher A’s ability to release the responsibility and to be able to coach and scaffold her lessons. She is very passionate about educational technology, and the many things it can do for education is apparent.

On the other hand, Teachers “C” and “B” were both reluctant to embrace the influence of technology on students learning. They articulated the need for more time to learn the functionalities of the technology and their inability and inexperience to troubleshot to help their students. I understand that some teachers harness this powerful tool for our classrooms, just as there is technology is challenging to work with. But some are amazing! Teachers can knock down the walls of their class and ask for assistance from colleagues and other students to expand our knowledge. As teachers, we need to model how to seek help with technology and discuss ways to troubleshoot.

In case 8, the elementary teacher candidates are already learning that educational technology is the tools that we integrate into classrooms as part of empowering learning. You can see the excitement using slowmation and they realize how technology can enrich the students learning in any subject area. They are first hand experiencing how technology can get more students engaged, improve collaboration, and most importantly make learning fun!