Michaela Quinn's Blog

Gender Equality: Workplace Benefits

Posted by in Organizational Behaviour

Why do we have such few women in high level positions and such few men who stay home to parent their children? Why is there such a divide in these roles? COO of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg’s TedTalk touches upon the hard truth that since 2002 the amount of women in these high level positions hasn’t increased. She accredits this to many things, but she believes the main reason is that many women don’t stay in the work force. As a mother herself, she knows having children has a huge impact on a…read more


Self-Efficacy and Gender

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I was reading over Erin Zhu’s blog post on self-efficacy, the motivational theory that states an individual’s behaviour is influenced by their beliefs in their own abilities and it reminded me of a concept I had heard earlier in the day. In her blog post Erin asks the question ‘What is wrong with being confident?’ and it reminded me of when I was watching Sheryl Standberg’s TedTalk. Sheryl said that as a woman in a high level position, she has realized that there is a negative correlation between the success of women and…read more


Dealing with Generational Differences

Posted by in Organizational Behaviour

While learning about individuals and their attitudes and values in COMM 292, we touched upon each of the generations. Some characteristics for each are listed below in the diagram, where you can compare them side by side. While talking about these different generations, we learned that these differences are very important for a manager to understand. They need to use this information to better understand their employees an adjust their motivational methods and rewards depending on the generation, for them to be most effective.   This Forbes article by Victor Lipman, touches…read more


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