GoPro’s Marketing and Why it Works.

The GoPro brand started with only eight employees in 2009 and has grown into an industry leader with over 230 employees and a revenue of $250 million after just two years. While GoPro has been around for a decade, only recently has it become popular among consumers.

What sets GoPro apart from other cameras?

Two things set GoPro’s apart from other cameras: size and quality. These two things allow for a variety of different uses that satisfy many consumers. As Woodson states, “It’s becoming the norm to document more and more of our lives,” and GoPro is taking advantage of this new norm. Since the camera is so small, it can be put practically anywhere.

Consumers though, don’t have to jump of cliffs or fly through the sky in order to use a GoPro. The company has made sure that its number one goal is to provide consumers with content. No matter what use–some people have used it for weddings–GoPro wants its consumers to film freely and share their content on outlets like Youtube.

GoPro’s marketing strategy then, provides not only a solid product, but a strong costumer-company relationship.


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