Chicago Style SEO: External Blog

This is SEO: a marketing company for the digital age

This is a marketing company for the digital age and contains a very insightful blog

Chicago Style SEO is a online marketing firm that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) and contains a blog completing their business. In this blog, they explore issues and topics pertaining to marketing through new media practices like Facebook and YouTube. I thought it would be useful because it teaches us things maybe Sauder wouldn’t such as strategies to better compete on YouTube.

He is KSI. He makes millions a year. He also makes music and clothes. Also, he was in a movie. What?

He is KSI. He makes millions a year. He also makes music and clothes. Also, he was in a movie. What?

They talk about how important length, branding, ads, and even trolling is to the amount of views you get on videos. Having a cousin who runs a YouTube channel, he told me another important thing is to work with other YouTubers to ‘cross-pollinate’ subscribers and viewers. People join others who provide the same content in order to strengthen their respective fan-bases. I thought about how this advice could apply to business.

The first thing that popped into my mind was Pepsi and Coca-Cola joining forces to ‘cross-pollinate’ customers. That’s collusion and illegal. But, starting a YouTube channel is almost like building a small business: find a niche in the market, appeal to your audience, spark word-of-mouth marketing. You have new customers (viewers) and regulars (subscribers) who will generate money for you depending on how much ‘business’ (online traffic) you generate. Branding is so important YouTubers always dedicate the last 30 seconds on videos to saying ‘hit the like button and subscribe’ almost like a mini commercial for them. Also, you need a PoD in whatever field you provide content for. Are you a gamer? You need something to make you stand apart from the rest in order to generate more traffic and make more money off ad-revenue.

Marketing is also a bit tricky since you can’t run a typical ad-campaign on

Keemstar has Dramaalert which gives small-timers the opportunity to increase exposure through drama. Yeah, I'm not kidding

Keemstar owns Dramaalert (YouTube channel) which gives small-timers the opportunity to increase exposure through drama. Yeah, I’m not kidding

a website. They need to be a bit more creative than that. Many small-time YouTubers help bigger YouTubers for a shout out; this increases exposure for small-timers and improves the content of the big sharks. It’s almost like an internship. Sometimes, YouTubers create merchandise to diversify their revenue streams although they have to be careful not to push it too hard. They also have to keep creating something new as peddling out the same content everyday would deal death for channels.

Anyways, check out the website and link if you are interested in it.


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