The Model Company

Think of a company you want to work for… Goldman? Apple? Google so you can ride those bikes you saw on The Internship? Alright let me stop you.

They don’t have to pay me nothing, just let me ride the bikes!

No, none of these company are what my title is talking about. While they might be ok to work for, good pay, maybe some fun, they aren’t the model company. Want to know what to look for? First try out what Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg called ‘may well be the most important document to ever come out of [Silicon Valley]’ (GQ). Netflix itself might resemble the very values and organizational behavior all start-ups, and some corporations, should emulate.

Some things might catch your eye, like the unlimited vacation days, sick days, or choose-your-own-hours, but its more than that. What sets Netflix apart is their 9 values which, while might come across as common sense, not many companies actually achieve.

The slidedeck was published in 2013 by the head of Netflix, Reed Hastings. Its over 100 pages long but only has a few sentences max per slide, making it an easy read. A link for your reading is below. I invite you to see the similarities and differences between their beliefs and your ‘dream’ company’s beliefs.

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