Why is no one thinking about Conversion rate?!

by michaeltomlinson

When businesses begin integrating their online activity with pay per click campaigns such as Google ad-words it is interesting how much focus is placed upon driving traffic to their websites. However when we think about it are businesses missing the point and losing focus of their end goals? In laymen terms, business is about turning a profit. The point therefore of an online campaign should not be to drive traffic to the businesses website but to convert more viewers into purchasers when on the website.

Nathan Richter’s article on traffic conversion explains a shocking statistic that their is a “92:1 ratio in the amount of money spent to encourage consumers to visit a website versus the amount spent to convert them after they’ve clicked through to the brand.” Therefore if we are to believe that conversion is so crucial for the success of a business why are businesses not focusing more resources on this specific area? Surely they should be going beyond driving traffic to their site and should in fact place an increased amount of fundsĀ  into the critical process of converting viewers.

Conversion rates are the next step of search engine optimisation and PPC campaigns. As Richter (2012) explains it is a “demanding” process, businesses should look to aggressively pursue ways to adapt and change their webpages to significantly improve their online performance, rather than simply investing in driving traffic that is less likely to make end purchases.


*For Nathan Richter’s articles on 3 proven ways to convert traffic follow this link; http://www.clickz.com/clickz/column/2157738/proven-covert-traffic-search*