Boom, Boom Bounce rate!

by michaeltomlinson

Bounce rate I hear you ask, what is that? Well it may not be as exciting as the name suggests but it is certainly crucial to any online business. Basically a websites “Bounces” are the amount of visits that consist simply of a single page visit to a website. The bounce rate is the measurement of this discouraging action. Of course a website is going to want to keep this number as low as possible as it represents the users “useability” of the webpage or in layman terms; how well locked in they are.

The bounce is calculated by dividing the number of single page views by the entry pages. What we must remember here is that bounce rate is not the be all and end all. Of course it highlights if users are simply clicking away from your website and as such may reveal significant problems with the site however there may be other factors as Bryan Ong describes, “what type of websites you have and the industry you are in.” Also, where they user is coming from and what source or keywords they used to find you.

So there we have it. Bounce rate covered, it shouldn’t be underestimated but it certainly is not the crucial end to all online businesses. Kissmetrics reports a 40.5% bounce rate on average, relatively high! I would certainly argue that the bounce rate should be used as a guide only and that other factors such as the keywords used to find your site must be taken into account a strong external variables.