E-marketing adventures!

A simple Yorkshireman analyses the E-Marketing world.

Google+ looking to take on the big boy.

News this week back in the UK surrounds Google+ and their latest push to overtake Facebook as the most popular social networking site. They certainly have a long way to go, with my own experience I don’t know anyone that uses it! Currently there appears to be such a strong loyalty to Facebook. Users have […]

Brand extension, what to remember…

Brand extension is a key component of any growing company, both online and offline. This post is all about examining when you are ready to launch your new brand and whether it is beneficial to do so. Seth Godin gives his opinion in his article “The question to ask before extending your brand”. His belief […]

Facebook expands advertising to mobiles!

So Facebook has recently announced it is going to integrate advertising into its mobile application. On the face of it, it is a very cunning move as at least half of Facebook users also access the website through their mobile devices. That’s almost 400,000,000! Not a bad market that they are able to reach. So […]

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