E-marketing adventures!

A simple Yorkshireman analyses the E-Marketing world.

Category: Uncategorized

Google+ looking to take on the big boy.

News this week back in the UK surrounds Google+ and their latest push to overtake Facebook as the most popular social networking site. They certainly have a long way to go, with my own experience I don’t know anyone that uses it! Currently there appears to be such a strong loyalty to Facebook. Users have […]

Brand extension, what to remember…

Brand extension is a key component of any growing company, both online and offline. This post is all about examining when you are ready to launch your new brand and whether it is beneficial to do so. Seth Godin gives his opinion in his article “The question to ask before extending your brand”. His belief […]

Facebook expands advertising to mobiles!

So Facebook has recently announced it is going to integrate advertising into its mobile application. On the face of it, it is a very cunning move as at least half of Facebook users also access the website through their mobile devices. That’s almost 400,000,000! Not a bad market that they are able to reach. So […]

Boom, Boom Bounce rate!

Bounce rate I hear you ask, what is that? Well it may not be as exciting as the name suggests but it is certainly crucial to any online business. Basically a websites “Bounces” are the amount of visits that consist simply of a single page visit to a website. The bounce rate is the measurement […]

Why is no one thinking about Conversion rate?!

When businesses begin integrating their online activity with pay per click campaigns such as Google ad-words it is interesting how much focus is placed upon driving traffic to their websites. However when we think about it are businesses missing the point and losing focus of their end goals? In laymen terms, business is about turning […]

YouTube Analytics

OK so I am coming to the party a bit late with this one. The new upgrade to YouTube’s video analytics was unveiled in December last year. However I have found myself searching through YouTube on a more regular basis recently (Most likely due to the increase in work deadlines). I realised that the new […]

The Pifalls of using Facebook as a marketing tool.

In an earlier blog posting I already questioned the hype surrounding the importance of social media to marketers. The interesting aspect of that article was the crucial lack of conversion that occurs when a user simply views social media and does not purchase a good or service from the business. This article is closely related […]

Motorola places value in the future of Social Media.

Motorola has announced its intentions to become heavily involved with Social Media to help promote the companies “Life empowered” branding message. What struck me as most interesting about this article is the fact that much of the social media Motorola will pursue is aimed at customers that have already bought their products. For example Motorola […]

Is Social media all it’s cracked up to be?!

The belief that surrounds social media is that it is a tool that enables companies to reach out to their target markets in a more specific and valuable manner. However as marketers have we given enough thought towards theĀ  true value of social media as a method of advertising? A recent poll by YouGov investigated […]

Whats the deal with “ROPO”?

So what actually is “ROPO,” just a bunch of interestingly arranged letters that mean little to the marketing sector? The answer is simply – NO! ROPO is in fact becoming increasingly importantĀ  to businesses throughout the world. It stands for “Research online, purchase offline.” This is the modern process that increasing numbers of consumers are […]

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