This website (and blog) is designed for my English 301 Technical Writing journey.
The website contains the Web Folio, featuring my best works this semester. The site highlights my academic and personal qualifications through the assignments of the course. Please look above at the menu bar for the different pages of the Web Folio. The blog contains reflections on my work throughout the course. Opinionated thoughts and reflections on course content will appear there.
Below is a summary of what is contained within the Web Folio, broken down for ease of navigation:
- Home: A welcome and introduction to the course. Find more about the course and my initial anticipations below
- Biography: A short biography to introduce myself focusing on academic background
- LinkedIn Profile: The page contains details to access my LinkedIn, providing academic and volunteer-related credentials
- Application Package: Please find my application for a summer internship at the Lockwood laboratory, complete with the advertisement in MLA format, my curriculum vitae/detailed resume, and 3 reference requests
- Resume: A page containing my resume in both searchable and pdf format.
- Best Works: This page contains examples of my best works completed throughout the course. Listed in chronological order, technical writing improvements from work to work may be evident.
Navigate to whatever interests you the most. I hope that through this website, my writing can inspire others to improve upon their technical writing skills.
Feel free to learn more about me from my biography, connect with me on LinkedIn, view my qualifications in my resume and application Package. In addition, browse my reflections on this course in my blog.
ENGL 301 – Technical Writing
Course Description
ENGL 301 is a fully online course focused on practicing and improving technical writing skills.
The course is divided into four 3-week sections:
- Introduction to business and technical writing, communication with instructors and classmates and building the online site. The focus of this section is business correspondence.
- Report proposal, peer-review and resume-building. The resume is essential to creating an online networking strategy with the Linked-In profile being the key feature.
- Job application, report designing and team feedback. The highlight is the job application skills, where one can apply to a job of choice, graduate school or an international volunteer opportunity and to continue designing the report with the help of team feedback
- Finalizing the report, networking strategy and web folio. At this stage, peer reviews allow for the final version of the blog, report, and all plans for social networking are completed.
I am anticipating this course to be exciting and challenging, as I believe the skills taught are incredibly practical and essential for all, being very relevant no matter what path one may follow in life. As such, I decided to enrol in the course as early as possible, when I know the least amount of information about technical writing (before my Co-op/work experience). Despite the steeper learning curve, I can get the most out of the course by taking it before my Co-op, applying all my learned technical skills accordingly.
In addition to the immediate relevancy, I almost feel guilty taking a course that is so useful and so obviously for my own gain. My LinkedIn is empty, my resume needs updating, and I am insecure about my report-writing skills, which I will rely on heavily in pharmacology. No matter how many obligations I may have this year, this one fits perfectly into the mixture, essential in furthering my academic career. Thus, I am hoping that I can use this course as a foundation to improve my professional writing skills in all aspects of my life. At this point, I believe the best way to see how the course will specifically impact me is simply by diving into the content.