Reflection: Web Folio

In the creation of the Web Folio, I applied a retrospective perspective on my progress over the term.  I was impressed by my growth over the term, both as in writing skill and efficiency.  I also realized how many concepts I applied later in the course that I was naïve to at the beginning of the term, which I now take for granted as essential writing skills, such as the “You Attitude”.

Nancy Wu's Web Folio | A place to share my experience in data science

Through review of the reflections in the blog, I found that my sentences tended to increase in complexity and my blogs in length.  Although not a terrible habit, I believe it is better for the reader to digest sentences that involve only a few concepts and clauses.  Thus, in writing this reflection, I hope to improve further by keeping sentences short and the overall reflection concise.

I noticed that my peer reviews contributed greatly to the quality of my work.  In the future, I hope to apply this to most coursework by ensuring that I have a peer who understands the scope and goal of the assignment to assist in a reciprocated review.  Probably the best quality in my Web Folio takes place in my page centred around my best works.  It astounded me that I have completed such a multitude of work in such a short period of time, and how my writing style has both changed and improved over time.

The Web Folio itself sounded daunting.  Creating the blog itself was already a very difficult task for me that involved almost a day’s work to understand the intricacies of website design and thematics.  In designing the Web Folio, I decided to adapt my blog and expand it into a website showcasing my technical writing skills highlighting my writing skills and academics.  Probably the biggest struggle for me was the layout of the online searchable resume.  Even now, it is difficult to be satisfied with the result, which appears so much longer than the pdf form and, until recently, unnecessarily encapsulated within a complex table format.  Because of it’s recent non-table format,  all the work that I spent aligning the titles and dates is lost, although the length and large font size allows for an increasingly thorough read of the resume.

Finally, finding appropriate pictures was another challenge that I presented.  In the end, I went for pictures that would catch the eye of the reader, drawing them in to the text via images relating to surface-level content.  In the end, I opted for placing images near the beginning as opposed to the F format suggested by the text because I thought it would draw the attention of the reader immediately.

Web folio | William Ho - ENG 301 Blog

Although initially daunting, I am proud of my Web Folio and am looking forward to displaying it to both my friends and family.  I believe it serves as a great example of my written technical communication skills and would be eager for any potential employers or colleagues to navigate through the website.  I appreciate my work done in the best works section the most, and would guide readers there primarily to showcase the novelty of the course in evolving writing and technical communication.  In summary, I am thankful of the broad usefulness that this course provides and hope to use my newfound technical communication and blog-developing skills in my future professional career.

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