
Hello!  My name is Quentin and I am a 3rd year UBC Student majoring in pharmacology, a study of drugs and chemicals on the biological system.  I just recently switched from Microbiology and Immunology, and I am excited to see how I can relate one to the other.  So far, I have found neuropharmacology, pharmacology in relation to the nervous system, to be the most interesting in this major.  In first year, I was part of the Science One program, a rigorous interdisciplinary program, where I learned effective time management and research presentation skills, presenting two papers in organic chemistry and kinetics.  In the first half of my degree, I have learned many different analytical, physical and organic chemistry techniques, and now, biochemical and pharmacological research techniques.

In terms of the future that this degree potentiates, a variety of options come to mind.  I have been informed that the program is optimized for professional programs like medical school, and this would definitely be a path that I am interested in, especially after two summers and a winter spent in clinical research for geriatrics, emergency paediatrics and infection prevention and control.  However, there are many interesting options that stray from this typical route, including being part of a biotechnology startup or a large pharmaceutical company.  I hope to explore these possibilities in my Co-op next year.

I am currently also looking into the possibility of minoring in atmospheric science.  I have always had a passion for weather, and would be extremely interested in integrating it with my pharmacology degree, however vastly different they may seem.  I am currently working as a marker in one of the atmospheric science courses I have taken prior and pursuing introductory computer science (in addition to my experience in R) to become proficient enough to take upper-level computational courses in atmospheric science.

In addition to these two areas of study, I have always been an avid musician, playing both violin and piano, with an ARCT in piano performance.  I hope I can continue to learn more about piano performance and technique, keep up my violin skills and understand the theory and history behind music as a whole, gaining increased musical insight. For more of my passions, especially sports-related, view my resume page.

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