Cardboard Vs Plastic
Oct 4th, 2010 by michellecheung2
Amazon has been trying to persuade its suppliers to get rid of those “annoying, hard-to-open” plastic packaging and put consumer goods in simple cardboard boxes instead. Based on the data provided by the New York Times, companies which have switched into the use of cardboard boxes, have resulted in 73% decrease in negative feedback on Amazon.
It is crystal clear that consumers like cardboard boxes better than plastic. Aside from the ease of opening, consumers like them better also because they are more eco-friendly than plastic. Sustainability is another major element that consumers nowadays would pay attention to before making a buying decision. I believe that any business which incorporates the idea of sustainability has huge growth potential. Since being environmentally friendly is becoming a common social responsibility of businesses, most products that come in heavy packaging, will soon have their packages redesigned.
Often, changes made to increase user-friendliness bring up the cost of production. However, it is the opposite in this case. Businesses which use cardboard boxes instead of plastic have lower cost because paper cardboard is cheaper. Therefore, I think it is certainly a good idea to use cardboard as the packages.