This Rise of Mass Production from an Increase in Rivalry?

Sher-Wood Hockey Inc. has decided to move it’s production oversees to China in order to remain competitive against its rival brands. After having been producing hockey sticks in Quebec for over 60 years, this transition was a major decision decided by the company. Because most other hockey stick manufacturers are outsourcing in areas such as China, production cost was lower for other companies than was for Sher-wood, giving other companies a competitive advantage.

Because of the increasing facilitation in the transportation of goods around the world through globalization, many companies are faced with more international rivals. As a result, there is a constant increase in pressure for companies to sell to its target market before any other company. This has led to an increase in mass production as globalization also led to an increase in the size of the target market. Artisan crafted objects are now being replaced with mass produced objects.

Rather than having wood crafted hockey sticks from the wood in the Carolinian forests, Sher-wood is moving it’s production plant to China in order to keep up with other companies as they are strategically finding better ways to improve their demand.

Marotte, Bertrand. “Sher-Wood Follows Rivals to China, Closes Quebec Hockey Stick Plant.” The Globe and Mail: B.1. Apr 08 2011.Canadian Newsstand Complete. Web. 8 Oct. 2012 .

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