Final Reflection!

Throughout this semester, we have been working on a marketing project, specific to a company of our choice. My group chose Target as our company to research. I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project as this was the first time I had to do a video component.

Working on the project was a good way to integrate what we have been learning in class with a marketing presentation. By separating the project into three separate sections, it enabled my group to focus on each part on a more concentrated level. It helped us be more specific in areas that we wouldn’t have focused on if the whole project were due at one time. For example, I know that we would have spent a lot less time on researching different target markets if we were stressed to finish the whole editing component of the video.

As this was my first time creating a film, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was a little worried about using Final Cut Pro because it looked so complicated. However, after trial and error, I was able to get used to it. It ended up being a lot of fun because I feel like it enabled my group to be creative when creating the film. With so many options for creating transitions and text entrances, we tried to create a video as diverse as possible. I particularly liked the video project because I believe that our group can be marked more fairly in regards to content as compared to whether our words come out properly. Of course presenting is a crucial skill, but as technology becomes more prevalent, having the skills to work with different mediums is also becoming as important.

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