Re: SMS Marketing

After reading my classmate Julia’s blog on SMS marketing, my interest on this mode of communication grew. Julia commented on how people are over 90% more likely to read promotional ads sent to them via text message. I find this to be completely true. Though I wouldn’t recognize the number, I would still be curious as to what the text says.

This type of direct marketing can be extremely effective to the younger generation. Technology has become so prevalent that it seems like some kids are glued to their smartphones or laptops. Marketing through this means will likely result in many younger kids becoming aware of what is being marketed. Agreeing with Julia, I am also 100% more likely to read a text promotion over an email promotion.

However, I find this mode of marketing to be also quite tricky. When I read a promotion through my text messages, I find it annoying. Not only that, but I categorize any text promotions in bad light. This is similar to email promotions; I automatically think that the email is a scam with no credibility. Marketers need to be aware of the current perceptions of this mode of marketing.

Also, though I may read it, my response to the message may be heavily delayed. I would probably just delete the message. If these promotions are to sign up on a certain website, it may be difficult if people don’t have data on their phones. This can become expensive for many people.

Though this method of advertising may become popular in the near future, I don’t see it as being the best way to promote. I personally see this method of marketing the same as email marketing in a sense that the type of ads that come through are usually not worth reading.

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