Home Page

My name is Michael Ly, I am a third year student studying computer science at UBC. I have a passion for health science, data analysis and finance. For leisure, I enjoy mentoring, gardening, and hiking.

I am currently seeking a co-op position as a software developer. I have a background in pharmaceutical sciences and healthcare as a practicing pharmacist, as well as a hobby as an amateur securities trader and retail investor.

I hope to be able to integrate my diverse range of knowledge into programming and tackle real world challenges with technology.

The purpose of my website is to showcase my best work from the UBC course ENGL 301: Technical Writing, which has been incredible in improving my competency in writing and peer reviewing technical documents. Here is a link to the course description if interested.

To navigate my Web Folio, please see below for the summary of contents pertaining to the links in the menu above.

  • Home Page
  • About Me
  • Blog
  • Resume
  • Application Package
  • LinkedIn
  • Best Work