301 Michael Ly Application Letter

Michael Ly
2366 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6T 1Z4

January 23, 2023

The University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6T 1Z4

Dear English 301,

Please consider my application to be a member of your English 301 professional writing team. I am a computer science student and aspiring software developer with a non-traditional background in pharmaceutical science who is looking to be a collaborative member of your professional writing team.

With nearly 5 years of work experience as a practicing pharmacist, I have extensive experience communicating using medical terminology with medical professionals in both verbal and written documentation. In addition, I have mentored high school students, been a pharmacy student preceptor, and trained new pharmacy graduates. I often communicate using email correspondence and have worked on team based projects in both my academic experience as well as in the industry. These experiences have helped me appreciate the need for effective collaboration and communication.

I do not come from a background with frequent work involving technical writing and do not have any formal project proposal writing experience, but I hope that I can still provide reliable feedback and improve on that as we proceed through the semester. My experience working as a health professional and mentor have prepared me to be detail oriented and accountable for the quality of my work and the work of my team. You can trust me to meet project deadlines and provide assistance when necessary. My goal as a member of your English 301 team is to be someone who you can rely on to provide some quality feedback with learning objectives in mind.

I would describe myself as being a tactile learner, who learns best from completing tasks. I also find that it is best to learn from experience and accept making mistakes along the way.  I hope to be able to share my own learning perspectives with my prospective English 301 writing team and support their learning throughout the rest of the semester.

I look forward to being able to speak with you and improve my technical writing skills within your professional writing team. If you would like to reach me, please contact me by email at michael.ly239@gmail.com.



Michael Ly

Encl. Letter of Application

301 Michael Ly Application Letter-1


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