Unit 4 Reflection: Web Folio

In Unit 4, students are challenged to create an online Web Folio that is specific to our future goals, such as focusing on either highlighting academic achievements for graduate school or highlighting marketable skills for the job market.

My Web Folio has been designed to highlight my marketable skills and experiences for the job market. It consists of 6 required sections as outlined in the Web Folio assignment criteria. The main pages included are the home page, about me page, blog page, resume page, application package page, and best work page. My Web Folio also has additional information such as a detailed home page with hyperlinks and visuals, as well as a separate LinkedIn page that adds a professional appearance to the Web Folio.

My personal challenge for creating this Web Folio consists of ensuring the tone and presentation of the portfolio’s theme is consistent throughout the website. It was also a challenge formatting the Web Folio to highlight all the written works without making the Web Folio pages appear cluttered, while also ensuring that all the revised written works are presented. Another detail, was ensuring the organization of the Web Folio was intuitive for my audience to navigate. Overcoming these challenges required some experimentation with the WordPress page tools and numerous revisions. In the end, all the pages eventually came together into a neatly organized Web Folio.

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