Best Work

This page presents a collection of my best work in English 301 Technical Writing.

Definitions Assignment

In Unit 1.3 of English 301, this assignment defines the term,  “akathisia” in the form of a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definition. This exercise introduces the three types of definitions used in technical writing.

301 Michael Ly Revised Definition Assignment

Peer Review of Definitions

In Unit 1.3 of English 301, I peer review of the definition of the term,  “fMRI” in the form of a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definition. This exercise helped introduce me to the peer review process and the challenges of writing formal constructive feedback.

301 Michael Ly Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

Formal Report Proposal

In Unit 2.1 of English 301, I formulate and write a formal report proposal to professor Erika Paterson on writing a report on Enhancing Community Safe Medication Handling and Disposal Practices. In this assignment we are introduced to the process of writing reports and proposals. This assignment was the most challenging assignment in my opinion so far in the course since it relies on understanding technical writing techniques and formulating appropriate questions for the population of study.

301 Michael Ly Revised Formal Report Proposal

Formal Progress Report

In Unit 2.3 of English 301, I update professor Erika Paterson on the progress made on my feasibility report on Enhancing Community Safe Medication Handling and Disposal Practices. This assignment teaches us to properly format a progress report, survey questions, and detailed plan of action.

301 Michael Ly Progress Report

LinkedIn Best Practices

In Unit 2.3 of English 301, we are assigned to write a memorandum recommending ten best practices for using LinkedIn as a social networking platform. This assignment not only teaches us how to best use LinkedIn as a networking tool, but also how to write recommendations in a positive tone that avoids the use of imperative verbs.

301 Michael Ly Revised LinkedIn Best practices memo

Memorandum to Evan Crisp

In Unit 3.1 of English 301, we are assigned to write a memorandum to Evan Crisp recommending best practices for writing a persuasive email to his professor. This assignment builds on top of the LinkedIn Best Practices exercise in ensuring the appropriate tone is being used in writing recommendation and feedback. Writing techniques such as emphasizing the positive, focusing on YOU writing, and avoiding the use of imperative verbs are emphasized in this important exercise.

301 Michael Ly Revised Memo to Evan Crisp

Peer Review of a Formal Report

In Unit 3.3 of English 301, we are assigned to write a peer review for a colleague’s formal report. This assignment builds on top of all the exercises in ensuring the appropriate tone is being used in writing recommendation and feedback. This exercise involves taking a more complex technical writing report and applying the writing techniques learned in previous exercises (emphasizing the positive, focusing on YOU writing, avoiding the use of imperative verbs) to ensure that we can write the most constructive peer review possible.

301 Michael Ly Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report