Unit 4 Reflection: Self Assessment

The completion of the Unit 4 Web Folio marks the end of the technical writing course. The course has been a challenging, yet fulfilling experience in developing robust writing techniques that are applicable in many professional writing environments. The course has helped me identify my weaknesses and strengths through challenging technical writing exercises and through the peer review process.

The several weaknesses that have been noted in my writing throughout the course includes the use of imperative verbs, incorrect document formatting, and the mix use of past or present tense. My strengths that have been noted is my use of consistent tone, thoughtful and comprehensive peer review, as well as organized writing structure. As the course progressed, I’ve made the effort to eliminate my use of imperative verbs and focus on the positive as suggested. With these small changes to my writing, I’ve noticed an improved level of persuasion and consistency in tone.

The technical writing techniques such as writing with YOU attitude, avoiding the use of imperative verbs, and understanding the peer review process has been incredibly important in improving my technical writing style. These technical writing techniques have made my constructive feedback more effective and ensures respect for my reader. These are writing techniques I will continue to practice and carry into my future career when working with future colleagues and writing technical documents.

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