About Me

My name is Michael Ly and welcome to my blog. 

I was born and raised in rainy Vancouver, British Columbia where I have lived for most of life.

I am a returning student to the University of British Columbia looking to learn programming and computer science. I come from an undergraduate background in pharmaceutical sciences and have a professional career as a pharmacist. As a pharmacist, I have participated in assisting our local provincial health authorities in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in the mass clinics as well as at the community pharmacy level. Now after several years in the workplace, I have decided to take the leap and return to the University of British Columbia to pursue a Second Bachelor Degree in Computer Science.

Technology has gone a long way in revolutionising how we live our lives and now impacts us almost in every way. It can be as simple as an electronic clock on our mobile phone to advanced blood sugar monitoring devices that can read a person’s blood sugar levels from a skin patch and produce the results straight to a person’s smart phone in a matter of minutes. As a witness to these major technological advancements, I developed a growing interest in computer science and programming. So much that I have decided to enroll myself into a Computer Science degree!

I have an interest in developing critical programming skills and learn how to use computer programming to create data analysis models, computer systems and software applications. I have always had a major interest in how data is collected, stored, and analyzed to provide conclusions and make predictions in our everyday life.

I am also looking forward to establishing new friendships and to work more in team collaborative settings. I hope to work towards becoming more comfortable in working with others and eventually be part of project development from its initial phases to deployment.