KFC’s Go Cup or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Fryer

I’m not going to lie, I have a strong love-hate relationship with fast food and it’s been an ongoing struggle for way too long. On the one hand, it’s horrible. It’s nutritional value is something to be laughed at and clearly the cons are far greater than the pros. On the other hand, it’s just so darn convenient. Food in my stomach after just swiping a card? Convenient locations such as a 5 minute walk from my apartment?

I don’t fully understand my reaction to thisĀ in all honesty. It’s streamlining something I’m diverting so many of my resources into avoiding but I just can’t get over the fact that it’s such a brilliant idea. Basically, the Go Cup is a new product launched by KFC that is a customizable (you can choose which food items go in it) cup of their products you can easily place in any car seat cup holder. Yes, it’s that simple. It’s taking something that people naturally know as fast food and just making faster. It’s already been a prevalent idea that’s been backed by tons of data that there is a huge ratio of users who purchase fast food on the go and eat it in their cars and how it took so long to come up with an idea like this is beyond me.

It’s a classic demonstration of catering to your market. They’ve collected data, they’ve observed their consumers and they are simply adapting to something that is just so blatantly simple and obvious. I’m well on my way to a healthier lifestyle but if KFC and those other unnamed fast food giants continue doing stupidly brilliant things like this, consumers like me unfortunately have no choice. End satirical rant.

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