HTC -79%

Recent news published by the BBC and the Financial Times shows how the cell phone market is exposed to constant changes. Both media hubs have stated that HTC, a Taiwanese smart phone maker, has had a significant drop of 79% in its profits. The BBC attributes the notable fall in profits of HTC to the fast growing popularity and success of its competitors, Apple and Samsung. Both rivals recently released their new smart phones that seem to be taking over the market. What is interesting about this news is that it portrays how business’ and mainly cell phone business change. Early this semester we were encouraged to read a and article from The Economist that emphasized the fast growing popularity and high profits of the same company, HTC. The article published in April of 2012 described the high number of sales happening then that seem to be gone now. From this comparison we are able to understand how important it is for a company to stay up to date with products that can fulfill the needs of the consumer and compete with other brands because the lack of these elements can lead to a loss of almost three thirds in profits.


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