What’s happening with Apple?

George’s approach to the launch of Apple’s new phone release is quite courageous considering the dominant reputation that was built by Apple in the recent years. It is not questionable that under Steve Jobs command the creators of the world’s most popular gadgets have revolutionized its market but as George stated, in the coming future they may stop being such a dominant force in their market. Since the referenced post was published, Apple released a new gadget that emphasizes the point George is trying to make. The Ipad mini, similarly to the Iphone 5 does not offer the consumer any innovation, which differentiated Apple from the competition. The point made by George that the new gadgets Apple recently put out in the market do not differentiate enough from the previous seems to be repeating itself and as he claimed, it may be crucial for the future of Apple in an industry filled with strong competitors that are constantly releasing new innovative products. Samsung, HTC, Nokia and Microsoft are just some examples of the competition that Apple faces and should encourage them to re-think their strategy, otherwise their shares may keep on dropping.


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