Amazon’s New Delivery System

Amazon Octocopter on displayThis blog post is inspired in The Washington Post’s blog ‘The Switch’, written by Timothy B. Lee.


When I first heard that Amazon was studying the possibility of using personal drones to deliver products within 30 minutes after the purchase I thought it was a bad joke. At most, it could have been a good advertising move to get technology enthusiasts engaged in the idea and the brand. Later, while I read through Timothy B. Lee’s blog I realized that Amazon’s CEO, Jeffrey P. Bezos, was not kidding and that the Federal Aviation Administration may in fact allow the use of private drones in American air space after 2015.

This revolutionary idea that Amazon may launch in the near future would not be just an incredible technological advance but it would mean so much in terms of distribution for the company. If you take into consideration that Amazon is became the largest online retailer by delivering their products on a 2 day system, reducing their delivery time to 30 minutes could mean a lot more. Although online shopping produces a lot more comfort to most customers, it has sometimes stopped me from making purchases simply because of my immediate need of a product.

If Amazon became successful with this new idea, they would expand their audiences as more people would opt to buy at amazon and get their product delivered faster than a pizza, instead of having to leave their houses in order to buy the new GTA for example.
These drones will definitely come in hand when I realize that I forgot to buy someone a birthday present while making my way to their birthday party…


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