Toyota Recalls

Japan’s largest vehicle maker and the owner of the world’s most popular hybrid car, Toyota, is under current threat to its well deserved reputation. A problem found in the steering wheel of nine different models Toyota has put in the market in 2012 may be crucial to the loss of customer loyalty to the 75 year old card manufacturer. In the year of 2009 Toyota was forced to recall 12 million vehicles and since then they have been trying to regain the consumer’s trust. The current recall may damage even more the already hurt customer base of Toyota. Although Koichi Sugimoto, auto analyst, has said that ‘nobody is perfect’ in a way of diminishing the trouble the recall may cause, the very competitive car industry may enlarge a threat. Hybrid cars have grown in popularity and have changed the current auto scenario. Toyota is no longer the only ‘pro-environment’ manufacturer, which means they are no longer unique. The customer’s trust seems to be affected by the recent recalls and Toyota should aware that any future trouble that they may have with their vehicles could lead to an irreparable damage to the company’s name.

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