Growing entrepreneurship in Brazil

Luciani Gomes, a Brazilian journalist, has published in the BBC an article about the growth of entrepreneurs in Brazil since 2002. According to her, the desire to avoid what regular jobs have to offer is diminishing at a fast pace, specially for the youth. “the number of young Brazilians aged between 18 and 24 who took a chance at becoming an entrepreneur rose by 74%”

For many people becoming a successful entrepreneur is a dream. The benefits of running your own business are many but in order to become successful in this area you must go through a lot of difficulties, because starting something from scratch is harder than it seems. Luciani Gomes’ article was extremely encouraging to me since I have recently started my Business studies and wish to go back home to Brazil one day. Finding out the growing popularity of Brazilian’s willing to become entrepreneur’s is very promising to me. This growth allows me to think that in the future I might be able to use my Bcom in a place that is already used to the way in which entrepreneurs build their way up.


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